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Monday, July 19, 2010

The TPC Slam

TPC Slam article now posted, link to the right

Start planning to run the 2011 TPC Slam, yeah you gotta get permission from your spouse, partner, children, parents..etc. It's easy, sign up for the races, let me know you are in for a TPC Slam, run them, finish them and let me know you met your goals and tell me which ones you think to be the hardest. You'll get a nice silicone bracelet and chance to win a raffle prize.

Right now I have a local metal artist on board and he has promised to make a heart shaped jewelry box, clock and picture frame (no image yet) similar to the ones below. He'll be making these three pieces specifically for this event and when they are ready I will post images. I will also attempt to get other sponsors to donate prizes.

I'm doing this blog, first one ever so be patient, to try and create a "slam" of 50 mile ultras. There is 100 mile slams but why not 50 mile slams? An ultra conspiracy no doubt, but not any longer as we will have our 50 mile slam. I just finished running all four of these races and will answer any questions you may have.

Where did the name come from? Taylor Paige Cosmas was born on November 15, 2009 to parents Katie and Mark Cosmas. Taylor died on April 18, 2010 just a week before my first event, Zane Grey. Mark is one of my running mentors and a huge reason why I ran these races. I wrote an article which explains the name, how the idea of running the four races consecutively came to be and my opinion on how the races compare to one another in terms of difficulty. Trail Runner magazine is going to include the article in their Inside Dirt e-newsletter which goes out mid August, 2010. I have decided not to make it public on this blog until Trail Runner has sent it out. Please return to read it as it will answer many of your questions.


  1. JJ,

    Nice job on the site and what it represents!


  2. Ok...lets get some people to sign up ;)
    Great pics on ROCK !!

  3. You are an inspiration, JJ. I will commit to 1/2 a Slam..
